all postcodes in L15 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L15 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L15 9EA 15 8 53.389817 -2.914802
L15 9EB 10 6 53.390073 -2.916823
L15 9ED 9 2 53.391468 -2.915168
L15 9EE 1 1 53.393627 -2.916297
L15 9EF 27 0 53.391493 -2.914462
L15 9EG 1 1 53.390156 -2.914118
L15 9EH 12 7 53.389404 -2.915004
L15 9EN 2 2 53.38897 -2.913957
L15 9EP 1 1 53.38924 -2.915256
L15 9EQ 13 1 53.393585 -2.914853
L15 9ER 32 0 53.392344 -2.909969
L15 9ES 22 0 53.392134 -2.910566
L15 9ET 26 0 53.391923 -2.911103
L15 9EU 32 1 53.390709 -2.912415
L15 9EW 1 1 53.389006 -2.914078
L15 9EY 21 0 53.392119 -2.909017
L15 9EZ 29 0 53.390377 -2.912378
L15 9HA 25 1 53.391919 -2.908201
L15 9HB 24 0 53.391751 -2.911325
L15 9HD 39 0 53.392786 -2.910911